It’s been a hundred years since the first International Women’s Day was celebrated. This day is for celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. It’s a day to honor women of the past who have fought for women of the future. They opened doors for women today.
In 1979, the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW) was adapted by the UN General assembly. It consists of 30 articles that define what constitutes discrimination against women. The convention also sets up an agenda for national action to end such discrimination.
I would like to honor women all over the world, especially women in parts of the world who still are exposed to discrimination in many forms. Women who are forced to do certain things or act in certain ways, women who are victims of rape in war or peace and women who are deprived of the human rights.
I read an article about women’s situation The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The country has suffered years of colonization and conflict. It’s been very known that rape has become a weapon at war or conflict. There was recently a report about a village in DRC that was attacked by rebels. The victims were raped and in this case women were not the only victims even men were victims of these attacks that took place in August 2010. Those of the victims who survive are not all able to get medical aid. Because of many years of conflict there is a lack of medical aid, equipment and educated nurses. That is not the only problem.
Problems that rape victims are facing are problems such as discrimination or being abandoned by their families or husbands.
This incident in August is not the only one. In 2009 the UN reported that at least 15. 000 women and girls were raped. Systematic rapes are used as a tool to terrorize and punish the population. It is also used as an exercise of authority.
Systematic rapes are gross violations against human rights but if impunity is not abolished the systematic rapes will continue and so will the violations of the human rights. Only few of those who commit these serious crimes are indicted.
The legal system must be reformed if justice is to be made for the victims and those who are survivors need to get satisfying medical aid.
The struggle for women’s rights has gone, and is going towards the right direction but in many parts of the world there is still a long way to go and much to struggle for. Not only should women in DRC struggle for their rights but women all over the world should fight for each other.
So this day, I dedicate to women all over the world who are beeing deprived of their human rights...